All the articles I've posted.
Conversation with Pi (双语)
Published: at 00:00我基于 DIKW 金字塔,重新思考了两者,并终于提出了我自己的方法论,我将其称为 CETDE。为了验证我的想法,决定和之前介绍过的让我非常惊艳的聊天机器人 交流一下,看看它是怎样看待我的方法论,会向我提出哪些问题,能不能帮助我更深入地思考和完善方法论。
Cookie 的备份和有效期的修改
Published: at 00:00本文介绍了备份 Cookie 的重要性以及如何利用浏览器插件 EditThisCookie 进行 Cookie 的备份和有效期修改。通过备份 Cookie,可以在某些特殊情况下正常访问需要登录的网站。
How I Consume Information
Published: at 06:44The author shares his own information consumption process. Faced with numerous information sources, the author does not read everything every week, but reads selectively. The entire process reflects effective information screening and processing methods, and I hope this can inspire readers to find information consumption strategies that suit them.
How I use Heptabase's Journal to assist in writing
Published: at 06:46Treat the Journal as a draft paper. It helps to organize, filter, and apply accumulated knowledge and inspiration in a structured manner, aiding in writing.
Isolation Born of Dissemination
Published: at 06:51This article explores the double-edged sword nature of modern communication media, which is that while it physically connects people, it may have a spiritually isolating effect. The shallow relationships and algorithmic screening of social media have led to information isolation and homogenization. Horkheimer's "communication-generated isolation" theory points out that this isolation exists not only at the individual spiritual level, but is also reflected in the alienation of social relationships. In order to cope with this isolation, improving media information literacy is key. Media information literacy includes understanding the operation and influence of media, exploring critical thinking and multiple perspectives, and cultivating media participation and creative capabilities. In addition, we can break the barriers generated by communication by consciously using social media, enhancing the depth of communication, and participating in real community activities. In short, media information literacy is an important means to reduce the impact of communication isolation.
Published: at 00:00LifeOS 2.0 是一个由五个主要子系统和二十二个版块构成的个人知识管理、学习、生活和工作的全景视角。CETDE 是个人知识管理工作流模型,包括 Capture、Encode、Transfer、Distill 和 Express 五个阶段,可以直接在 LifeOS 中使用。而生活禅理念提供了一个哲学和实践框架,用以整合、应用和创新个人的知识管理全过程。
Living fully in the present moment
Published: at 06:55Buddhism emphasizes living in the present moment as a path to mindfulness, inner peace, and enlightenment.
Note-Taking Toll: Catalysts for Insight or Constraints on Creativity
Published: at 07:10The generation of insights requires time, thinking, and introspection. Note-taking tools can be both a booster and a constraint for the growth of insights. The key lies in how we use them.
Prompt 和 Claude-instant-100k
Published: at 00:00GPT-4 给出的 20 个常用 prompt,和 Claude 分析论文后总结的 16 个 prompt 框架。