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Cloudflare R2 的完美搭档:R2 Uploader 使用指南

Published: at 12:29Suggest Changes

Cloudflare R2 作为一款出色的对象存储服务,以其慷慨的免费额度和低廉的价格(前提是合理设置数据访问频率,不然就和我一样被账单吓到哭泣)赢得了广泛青睐。然而,其简陋的图形界面却给日常管理带来了诸多不便,如无法直接移动文件、缺乏缩略图预览等功能。为了解决这些痛点,GitHub 上应运而生了 R2 Uploader 项目,它不仅弥补了 R2 的不足,还带来了一系列实用功能:

  1. 大文件上传:突破 R2 dashboard 300MB 的上传限制,R2 Uploader 理论上可支持高达 100GB 的单文件上传。

  2. 图像压缩:针对将 R2 用作 CDN 的用户,内置图像压缩功能显著提升了图片加载速度。

  3. 多数据桶快速切换:支持为不同数据桶设置多个 Worker,并实现它们之间的便捷切换。

  4. 跨设备安全同步:通过 GitHub 登录,实现配置的安全同步。所有数据在传输到数据库前都经过本地 AES 加密处理。

在实际使用过程中,我发现 R2 Uploader 还能与 WebP Cloud 完美配合,进一步增强了其实用性。

Table of contents

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配置 R2 Uploader Worker

  1. 前往 Cloudflare 控制面板

  2. 左侧面板上有一个名为 “Workers 和 Pages” 的部分,点击它,进入到「概述」页面,再点击「创建」按钮。

  3. 然后点击「创建 Worker」按钮。

  4. 在名称部分,可以输入喜欢的名称,也可以忽略,直接点击「部署」按钮。

  5. 之后点击「编辑代码」按钮,删除掉代码编辑器中的内容。

  6. 在代码编辑器内,粘贴以下代码(源码可以在这里找到,也可以据此自行构建代码),然后点击「部署」按钮。

var te = async (e, t = Object.create(null)) => {
  let { all: s = !1, dot: r = !1 } = t,
    o = (e instanceof S ? e.raw.headers : e.headers).get("Content-Type");
  return (o !== null && o.startsWith("multipart/form-data")) ||
    (o !== null && o.startsWith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
    ? Pe(e, { all: s, dot: r })
    : {};
async function Pe(e, t) {
  let s = await e.formData();
  return s ? Ae(s, t) : {};
function Ae(e, t) {
  let s = Object.create(null);
  return (
    e.forEach((r, n) => {
      t.all || n.endsWith("[]") ? He(s, n, r) : (s[n] = r);
    }), &&
      Object.entries(s).forEach(([r, n]) => {
        r.includes(".") && (Te(s, r, n), delete s[r]);
var He = (e, t, s) => {
    e[t] !== void 0
      ? Array.isArray(e[t])
        ? e[t].push(s)
        : (e[t] = [e[t], s])
      : (e[t] = s);
  Te = (e, t, s) => {
    let r = e,
      n = t.split(".");
    n.forEach((o, c) => {
      c === n.length - 1
        ? (r[o] = s)
        : ((!r[o] ||
            typeof r[o] != "object" ||
            Array.isArray(r[o]) ||
            r[o] instanceof File) &&
            (r[o] = Object.create(null)),
          (r = r[o]));
var D = e => {
    let t = e.split("/");
    return t[0] === "" && t.shift(), t;
  re = e => {
    let { groups: t, path: s } = je(e),
      r = D(s);
    return Se(r, t);
  je = e => {
    let t = [];
    return (
      (e = e.replace(/\{[^}]+\}/g, (s, r) => {
        let n = `@${r}`;
        return t.push([n, s]), n;
      { groups: t, path: e }
  Se = (e, t) => {
    for (let s = t.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) {
      let [r] = t[s];
      for (let n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
        if (e[n].includes(r)) {
          e[n] = e[n].replace(r, t[s][1]);
    return e;
  _ = {},
  $ = e => {
    if (e === "*") return "*";
    let t = e.match(/^\:([^\{\}]+)(?:\{(.+)\})?$/);
    return t
      ? (_[e] ||
            ? (_[e] = [e, t[1], new RegExp("^" + t[2] + "$")])
            : (_[e] = [e, t[1], !0])),
      : null;
  _e = e => {
    try {
      return decodeURI(e);
    } catch {
      return e.replace(/(?:%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})+/g, t => {
        try {
          return decodeURI(t);
        } catch {
          return t;
  K = e => {
    let t = e.url,
      s = t.indexOf("/", 8),
      r = s;
    for (; r < t.length; r++) {
      let n = t.charCodeAt(r);
      if (n === 37) {
        let o = t.indexOf("?", r),
          c = t.slice(s, o === -1 ? void 0 : o);
        return _e(c.includes("%25") ? c.replace(/%25/g, "%2525") : c);
      } else if (n === 63) break;
    return t.slice(s, r);
var se = e => {
    let t = K(e);
    return t.length > 1 && t[t.length - 1] === "/" ? t.slice(0, -1) : t;
  b = (...e) => {
    let t = "",
      s = !1;
    for (let r of e)
      t[t.length - 1] === "/" && ((t = t.slice(0, -1)), (s = !0)),
        r[0] !== "/" && (r = `/${r}`),
        r === "/" && s ? (t = `${t}/`) : r !== "/" && (t = `${t}${r}`),
        r === "/" && t === "" && (t = "/");
    return t;
  k = e => {
    if (!e.match(/\:.+\?$/)) return null;
    let t = e.split("/"),
      s = [],
      r = "";
    return (
      t.forEach(n => {
        if (n !== "" && !/\:/.test(n)) r += "/" + n;
        else if (/\:/.test(n))
          if (/\?/.test(n)) {
            s.length === 0 && r === "" ? s.push("/") : s.push(r);
            let o = n.replace("?", "");
            (r += "/" + o), s.push(r);
          } else r += "/" + n;
      s.filter((n, o, c) => c.indexOf(n) === o)
  L = e =>
      ? (e.indexOf("+") !== -1 && (e = e.replace(/\+/g, " ")),
        /%/.test(e) ? M(e) : e)
      : e,
  ne = (e, t, s) => {
    let r;
    if (!s && t && !/[%+]/.test(t)) {
      let c = e.indexOf(`?${t}`, 8);
      for (c === -1 && (c = e.indexOf(`&${t}`, 8)); c !== -1; ) {
        let a = e.charCodeAt(c + t.length + 1);
        if (a === 61) {
          let i = c + t.length + 2,
            l = e.indexOf("&", i);
          return L(e.slice(i, l === -1 ? void 0 : l));
        } else if (a == 38 || isNaN(a)) return "";
        c = e.indexOf(`&${t}`, c + 1);
      if (((r = /[%+]/.test(e)), !r)) return;
    let n = {};
    r ??= /[%+]/.test(e);
    let o = e.indexOf("?", 8);
    for (; o !== -1; ) {
      let c = e.indexOf("&", o + 1),
        a = e.indexOf("=", o);
      a > c && c !== -1 && (a = -1);
      let i = e.slice(o + 1, a === -1 ? (c === -1 ? void 0 : c) : a);
      if ((r && (i = L(i)), (o = c), i === "")) continue;
      let l;
      a === -1
        ? (l = "")
        : ((l = e.slice(a + 1, c === -1 ? void 0 : c)), r && (l = L(l))),
          ? ((n[i] && Array.isArray(n[i])) || (n[i] = []), n[i].push(l))
          : (n[i] ??= l);
    return t ? n[t] : n;
  oe = ne,
  ie = (e, t) => ne(e, t, !0),
  M = decodeURIComponent;
var S = class {
  routeIndex = 0;
  bodyCache = {};
  constructor(e, t = "/", s = [[]]) {
    (this.raw = e), (this.path = t), (this.#s = s), (this.#r = {});
  param(e) {
    return e ? this.getDecodedParam(e) : this.getAllDecodedParams();
  getDecodedParam(e) {
    let t = this.#s[0][this.routeIndex][1][e],
      s = this.getParamValue(t);
    return s ? (/\%/.test(s) ? M(s) : s) : void 0;
  getAllDecodedParams() {
    let e = {},
      t = Object.keys(this.#s[0][this.routeIndex][1]);
    for (let s of t) {
      let r = this.getParamValue(this.#s[0][this.routeIndex][1][s]);
      r && typeof r == "string" && (e[s] = /\%/.test(r) ? M(r) : r);
    return e;
  getParamValue(e) {
    return this.#s[1] ? this.#s[1][e] : e;
  query(e) {
    return oe(this.url, e);
  queries(e) {
    return ie(this.url, e);
  header(e) {
    if (e) return this.raw.headers.get(e.toLowerCase()) ?? void 0;
    let t = {};
    return (
      this.raw.headers.forEach((s, r) => {
        t[r] = s;
  async parseBody(e) {
    return (this.bodyCache.parsedBody ??= await te(this, e));
  cachedBody = e => {
    let { bodyCache: t, raw: s } = this,
      r = t[e];
    if (r) return r;
    let n = Object.keys(t)[0];
    return n
      ? t[n].then(
          o => (n === "json" && (o = JSON.stringify(o)), new Response(o)[e]())
      : (t[e] = s[e]());
  json() {
    return this.cachedBody("json");
  text() {
    return this.cachedBody("text");
  arrayBuffer() {
    return this.cachedBody("arrayBuffer");
  blob() {
    return this.cachedBody("blob");
  formData() {
    return this.cachedBody("formData");
  addValidatedData(e, t) {
    this.#r[e] = t;
  valid(e) {
    return this.#r[e];
  get url() {
    return this.raw.url;
  get method() {
    return this.raw.method;
  get matchedRoutes() {
    return this.#s[0].map(([[, e]]) => e);
  get routePath() {
    return this.#s[0].map(([[, e]]) => e)[this.routeIndex].path;
var ae = { Stringify: 1, BeforeStream: 2, Stream: 3 },
  ke = (e, t) => {
    let s = new String(e);
    return (s.isEscaped = !0), (s.callbacks = t), s;
var F = async (e, t, s, r, n) => {
  let o = e.callbacks;
  if (!o?.length) return Promise.resolve(e);
  n ? (n[0] += e) : (n = [e]);
  let c = Promise.all( => a({ phase: t, buffer: n, context: r }))).then(
    a =>
      Promise.all(a.filter(Boolean).map(i => F(i, t, !1, r, n))).then(
        () => n[0]
  return s ? ke(await c, o) : c;
var Me = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
  V = (e, t = {}) => (Object.entries(t).forEach(([s, r]) => e.set(s, r)), e),
  v = class {
    env = {};
    finalized = !1;
    #c = 200;
    #i = !0;
    constructor(e, t) {
      (this.#r = e),
        t &&
          ((this.#o = t.executionCtx),
          (this.env = t.env),
          (this.#h = t.notFoundHandler),
          (this.#f = t.path),
          (this.#d = t.matchResult));
    get req() {
      return (this.#s ??= new S(this.#r, this.#f, this.#d)), this.#s;
    get event() {
      if (this.#o && "respondWith" in this.#o) return this.#o;
      throw Error("This context has no FetchEvent");
    get executionCtx() {
      if (this.#o) return this.#o;
      throw Error("This context has no ExecutionContext");
    get res() {
      return (
        (this.#i = !1),
        (this.#n ||= new Response("404 Not Found", { status: 404 }))
    set res(e) {
      if (((this.#i = !1), this.#n && e)) {
        for (let [t, s] of this.#n.headers.entries())
          if (t === "set-cookie") {
            let r = this.#n.headers.getSetCookie();
            for (let n of r) e.headers.append("set-cookie", n);
          } else e.headers.set(t, s);
      (this.#n = e), (this.finalized = !0);
    render = (...e) => ((this.#l ??= t => this.html(t)), this.#l(...e));
    setLayout = e => (this.#u = e);
    getLayout = () => this.#u;
    setRenderer = e => {
      this.#l = e;
    header = (e, t, s) => {
      if (t === void 0) {
          ? this.#e.delete(e)
          : this.#t && delete this.#t[e.toLocaleLowerCase()],
          this.finalized && this.res.headers.delete(e);
        ? (this.#e ||
            ((this.#i = !1), (this.#e = new Headers(this.#t)), (this.#t = {})),
          this.#e.append(e, t))
        : this.#e
          ? this.#e.set(e, t)
          : ((this.#t ??= {}), (this.#t[e.toLowerCase()] = t)),
        this.finalized &&
            ? this.res.headers.append(e, t)
            : this.res.headers.set(e, t));
    status = e => {
      (this.#i = !1), (this.#c = e);
    set = (e, t) => {
      (this.#a ??= {}), (this.#a[e] = t);
    get = e => (this.#a ? this.#a[e] : void 0);
    get var() {
      return { ...this.#a };
    newResponse = (e, t, s) => {
      if (this.#i && !s && !t && this.#c === 200)
        return new Response(e, { headers: this.#t });
      if (t && typeof t != "number") {
        let n = new Headers(t.headers);
        this.#e &&
          this.#e.forEach((c, a) => {
            a === "set-cookie" ? n.append(a, c) : n.set(a, c);
        let o = V(n, this.#t);
        return new Response(e, { headers: o, status: t.status ?? this.#c });
      let r = typeof t == "number" ? t : this.#c;
      (this.#t ??= {}),
        (this.#e ??= new Headers()),
        V(this.#e, this.#t),
        this.#n &&
          (this.#n.headers.forEach((n, o) => {
            o === "set-cookie" ? this.#e?.append(o, n) : this.#e?.set(o, n);
          V(this.#e, this.#t)),
        (s ??= {});
      for (let [n, o] of Object.entries(s))
        if (typeof o == "string") this.#e.set(n, o);
        else {
          for (let c of o) this.#e.append(n, c);
      return new Response(e, { status: r, headers: this.#e });
    body = (e, t, s) =>
      typeof t == "number" ? this.newResponse(e, t, s) : this.newResponse(e, t);
    text = (e, t, s) => {
      if (!this.#t) {
        if (this.#i && !s && !t) return new Response(e);
        this.#t = {};
      return (
        (this.#t["content-type"] = Me),
        typeof t == "number"
          ? this.newResponse(e, t, s)
          : this.newResponse(e, t)
    json = (e, t, s) => {
      let r = JSON.stringify(e);
      return (
        (this.#t ??= {}),
        (this.#t["content-type"] = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"),
        typeof t == "number"
          ? this.newResponse(r, t, s)
          : this.newResponse(r, t)
    html = (e, t, s) => (
      (this.#t ??= {}),
      (this.#t["content-type"] = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"),
      typeof e == "object" &&
      (e instanceof Promise || (e = e.toString()), e instanceof Promise)
        ? e
            .then(r => F(r, ae.Stringify, !1, {}))
            .then(r =>
              typeof t == "number"
                ? this.newResponse(r, t, s)
                : this.newResponse(r, t)
        : typeof t == "number"
          ? this.newResponse(e, t, s)
          : this.newResponse(e, t)
    redirect = (e, t) => (
      (this.#e ??= new Headers()),
      this.#e.set("Location", e),
      this.newResponse(null, t ?? 302)
    notFound = () => ((this.#h ??= () => new Response()), this.#h(this));
var W = (e, t, s) => (r, n) => {
  let o = -1;
  return c(0);
  async function c(a) {
    if (a <= o) throw new Error("next() called multiple times");
    o = a;
    let i,
      l = !1,
    if (
        ? ((h = e[a][0][0]), r instanceof v && (r.req.routeIndex = a))
        : (h = (a === e.length && n) || void 0),
      r instanceof v && r.finalized === !1 && s && (i = await s(r));
      try {
        i = await h(r, () => c(a + 1));
      } catch (u) {
        if (u instanceof Error && r instanceof v && t)
          (r.error = u), (i = await t(u, r)), (l = !0);
        else throw u;
    return i && (r.finalized === !1 || l) && (r.res = i), r;
var d = "ALL",
  ce = "all",
  le = ["get", "post", "put", "delete", "options", "patch"],
  B = "Can not add a route since the matcher is already built.",
  I = class extends Error {};
var Be = Symbol("composedHandler"),
  Ie = e => e.text("404 Not Found", 404),
  he = (e, t) =>
    "getResponse" in e
      ? e.getResponse()
      : (console.error(e), t.text("Internal Server Error", 500)),
  G = class {
    _basePath = "/";
    #r = "/";
    routes = [];
    constructor(e = {}) {
      [...le, ce].forEach(r => {
        this[r] = (n, ...o) => (
          typeof n == "string" ? (this.#r = n) : this.addRoute(r, this.#r, n),
          o.forEach(c => {
            typeof c != "string" && this.addRoute(r, this.#r, c);
        (this.on = (r, n, ...o) => {
          for (let c of [n].flat()) {
            this.#r = c;
            for (let a of [r].flat())
     => {
                this.addRoute(a.toUpperCase(), this.#r, i);
          return this;
        (this.use = (r, ...n) => (
          typeof r == "string"
            ? (this.#r = r)
            : ((this.#r = "*"), n.unshift(r)),
          n.forEach(o => {
            this.addRoute(d, this.#r, o);
      let s = e.strict ?? !0;
      delete e.strict,
        Object.assign(this, e),
        (this.getPath = s ? (e.getPath ?? K) : se);
    clone() {
      let e = new G({ router: this.router, getPath: this.getPath });
      return (e.routes = this.routes), e;
    notFoundHandler = Ie;
    errorHandler = he;
    route(e, t) {
      let s = this.basePath(e);
      return ( => {
          let n;
          t.errorHandler === he
            ? (n = r.handler)
            : ((n = async (o, c) =>
                (await W([], t.errorHandler)(o, () => r.handler(o, c))).res),
              (n[Be] = r.handler)),
            s.addRoute(r.method, r.path, n);
    basePath(e) {
      let t = this.clone();
      return (t._basePath = b(this._basePath, e)), t;
    onError = e => ((this.errorHandler = e), this);
    notFound = e => ((this.notFoundHandler = e), this);
    mount(e, t, s) {
      let r, n;
      s &&
        (typeof s == "function"
          ? (n = s)
          : ((n = s.optionHandler), (r = s.replaceRequest)));
      let o = n
        ? a => {
            let i = n(a);
            return Array.isArray(i) ? i : [i];
        : a => {
            let i;
            try {
              i = a.executionCtx;
            } catch {}
            return [a.env, i];
      r ||= (() => {
        let a = b(this._basePath, e),
          i = a === "/" ? 0 : a.length;
        return l => {
          let h = new URL(l.url);
          return (h.pathname = h.pathname.slice(i) || "/"), new Request(h, l);
      let c = async (a, i) => {
        let l = await t(r(a.req.raw), ...o(a));
        if (l) return l;
        await i();
      return this.addRoute(d, b(e, "*"), c), this;
    addRoute(e, t, s) {
      (e = e.toUpperCase()), (t = b(this._basePath, t));
      let r = { path: t, method: e, handler: s };
      this.router.add(e, t, [s, r]), this.routes.push(r);
    matchRoute(e, t) {
      return this.router.match(e, t);
    handleError(e, t) {
      if (e instanceof Error) return this.errorHandler(e, t);
      throw e;
    dispatch(e, t, s, r) {
      if (r === "HEAD")
        return (async () =>
          new Response(null, await this.dispatch(e, t, s, "GET")))();
      let n = this.getPath(e, { env: s }),
        o = this.matchRoute(r, n),
        c = new v(e, {
          path: n,
          matchResult: o,
          env: s,
          executionCtx: t,
          notFoundHandler: this.notFoundHandler,
      if (o[0].length === 1) {
        let i;
        try {
          i = o[0][0][0][0](c, async () => {
            c.res = await this.notFoundHandler(c);
        } catch (l) {
          return this.handleError(l, c);
        return i instanceof Promise
          ? i
              .then(l => l || (c.finalized ? c.res : this.notFoundHandler(c)))
              .catch(l => this.handleError(l, c))
          : (i ?? this.notFoundHandler(c));
      let a = W(o[0], this.errorHandler, this.notFoundHandler);
      return (async () => {
        try {
          let i = await a(c);
          if (!i.finalized)
            throw new Error(
              "Context is not finalized. Did you forget to return a Response object or `await next()`?"
          return i.res;
        } catch (i) {
          return this.handleError(i, c);
    fetch = (e, ...t) => this.dispatch(e, t[1], t[0], e.method);
    request = (e, t, s, r) => {
      if (e instanceof Request)
        return t !== void 0 && (e = new Request(e, t)), this.fetch(e, s, r);
      e = e.toString();
      let n = /^https?:\/\//.test(e) ? e : `http://localhost${b("/", e)}`,
        o = new Request(n, t);
      return this.fetch(o, s, r);
    fire = () => {
      addEventListener("fetch", e => {
        e.respondWith(this.dispatch(e.request, e, void 0, e.request.method));
var U = "[^/]+",
  H = ".*",
  T = "(?:|/.*)",
  C = Symbol(),
  Ue = new Set(".\\+*[^]$()");
function qe(e, t) {
  return e.length === 1
    ? t.length === 1
      ? e < t
        ? -1
        : 1
      : -1
    : t.length === 1 || e === H || e === T
      ? 1
      : t === H || t === T
        ? -1
        : e === U
          ? 1
          : t === U
            ? -1
            : e.length === t.length
              ? e < t
                ? -1
                : 1
              : t.length - e.length;
var q = class {
  children = Object.create(null);
  insert(e, t, s, r, n) {
    if (e.length === 0) {
      if (this.index !== void 0) throw C;
      if (n) return;
      this.index = t;
    let [o, ...c] = e,
      a =
        o === "*"
          ? c.length === 0
            ? ["", "", H]
            : ["", "", U]
          : o === "/*"
            ? ["", "", T]
            : o.match(/^\:([^\{\}]+)(?:\{(.+)\})?$/),
    if (a) {
      let l = a[1],
        h = a[2] || U;
      if (
        l &&
        a[2] &&
        ((h = h.replace(/^\((?!\?:)(?=[^)]+\)$)/, "(?:")), /\((?!\?:)/.test(h))
        throw C;
      if (((i = this.children[h]), !i)) {
        if (Object.keys(this.children).some(u => u !== H && u !== T)) throw C;
        if (n) return;
        (i = this.children[h] = new q()),
          l !== "" && (i.varIndex = r.varIndex++);
      !n && l !== "" && s.push([l, i.varIndex]);
    } else if (((i = this.children[o]), !i)) {
      if (
        Object.keys(this.children).some(l => l.length > 1 && l !== H && l !== T)
        throw C;
      if (n) return;
      i = this.children[o] = new q();
    i.insert(c, t, s, r, n);
  buildRegExpStr() {
    let t = Object.keys(this.children)
      .map(s => {
        let r = this.children[s];
        return (
          (typeof r.varIndex == "number"
            ? `(${s})@${r.varIndex}`
            : Ue.has(s)
              ? `\\${s}`
              : s) + r.buildRegExpStr()
    return (
      typeof this.index == "number" && t.unshift(`#${this.index}`),
      t.length === 0 ? "" : t.length === 1 ? t[0] : "(?:" + t.join("|") + ")"
var ue = class {
  context = { varIndex: 0 };
  root = new q();
  insert(e, t, s) {
    let r = [],
      n = [];
    for (let c = 0; ; ) {
      let a = !1;
      if (
        ((e = e.replace(/\{[^}]+\}/g, i => {
          let l = `@\\${c}`;
          return (n[c] = [l, i]), c++, (a = !0), l;
    let o = e.match(/(?::[^\/]+)|(?:\/\*$)|./g) || [];
    for (let c = n.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
      let [a] = n[c];
      for (let i = o.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (o[i].indexOf(a) !== -1) {
          o[i] = o[i].replace(a, n[c][1]);
    return this.root.insert(o, t, r, this.context, s), r;
  buildRegExp() {
    let e = this.root.buildRegExpStr();
    if (e === "") return [/^$/, [], []];
    let t = 0,
      s = [],
      r = [];
    return (
      (e = e.replace(/#(\d+)|@(\d+)|\.\*\$/g, (n, o, c) =>
        typeof o < "u"
          ? ((s[++t] = Number(o)), "$()")
          : (typeof c < "u" && (r[Number(c)] = ++t), "")
      [new RegExp(`^${e}`), s, r]
var de = [],
  Ne = [/^$/, [], Object.create(null)],
  fe = Object.create(null);
function pe(e) {
  return (fe[e] ??= new RegExp(
    e === "*"
      ? ""
      : `^${e.replace(/\/\*$|([.\\+*[^\]$()])/g, (t, s) => (s ? `\\${s}` : "(?:|/.*)"))}$`
function Le() {
  fe = Object.create(null);
function De(e) {
  let t = new ue(),
    s = [];
  if (e.length === 0) return Ne;
  let r = e
      .map(l => [!/\*|\/:/.test(l[0]), ...l])
      .sort(([l, h], [u, p]) => (l ? 1 : u ? -1 : h.length - p.length)),
    n = Object.create(null);
  for (let l = 0, h = -1, u = r.length; l < u; l++) {
    let [p, R, f] = r[l];
    p ? (n[R] = [[y]) => [y, Object.create(null)]), de]) : h++;
    let m;
    try {
      m = t.insert(R, h, p);
    } catch (y) {
      throw y === C ? new I(R) : y;
    p ||
      (s[h] =[y, E]) => {
        let P = Object.create(null);
        for (E -= 1; E >= 0; E--) {
          let [x, j] = m[E];
          P[x] = j;
        return [y, P];
  let [o, c, a] = t.buildRegExp();
  for (let l = 0, h = s.length; l < h; l++)
    for (let u = 0, p = s[l].length; u < p; u++) {
      let R = s[l][u]?.[1];
      if (!R) continue;
      let f = Object.keys(R);
      for (let m = 0, y = f.length; m < y; m++) R[f[m]] = a[R[f[m]]];
  let i = [];
  for (let l in c) i[l] = s[c[l]];
  return [o, i, n];
function O(e, t) {
  if (e) {
    for (let s of Object.keys(e).sort((r, n) => n.length - r.length))
      if (pe(s).test(t)) return [...e[s]];
var z = class {
  name = "RegExpRouter";
  constructor() {
    (this.middleware = { [d]: Object.create(null) }),
      (this.routes = { [d]: Object.create(null) });
  add(e, t, s) {
    let { middleware: r, routes: n } = this;
    if (!r || !n) throw new Error(B);
    r[e] ||
      [r, n].forEach(a => {
        (a[e] = Object.create(null)),
          Object.keys(a[d]).forEach(i => {
            a[e][i] = [...a[d][i]];
      t === "/*" && (t = "*");
    let o = (t.match(/\/:/g) || []).length;
    if (/\*$/.test(t)) {
      let a = pe(t);
      e === d
        ? Object.keys(r).forEach(i => {
            r[i][t] ||= O(r[i], t) || O(r[d], t) || [];
        : (r[e][t] ||= O(r[e], t) || O(r[d], t) || []),
        Object.keys(r).forEach(i => {
          (e === d || e === i) &&
            Object.keys(r[i]).forEach(l => {
              a.test(l) && r[i][l].push([s, o]);
        Object.keys(n).forEach(i => {
          (e === d || e === i) &&
            Object.keys(n[i]).forEach(l => a.test(l) && n[i][l].push([s, o]));
    let c = k(t) || [t];
    for (let a = 0, i = c.length; a < i; a++) {
      let l = c[a];
      Object.keys(n).forEach(h => {
        (e === d || e === h) &&
          ((n[h][l] ||= [...(O(r[h], l) || O(r[d], l) || [])]),
          n[h][l].push([s, o - i + a + 1]));
  match(e, t) {
    let s = this.buildAllMatchers();
    return (
      (this.match = (r, n) => {
        let o = s[r] || s[d],
          c = o[2][n];
        if (c) return c;
        let a = n.match(o[0]);
        if (!a) return [[], de];
        let i = a.indexOf("", 1);
        return [o[1][i], a];
      this.match(e, t)
  buildAllMatchers() {
    let e = Object.create(null);
    return (
      [...Object.keys(this.routes), ...Object.keys(this.middleware)].forEach(
        t => {
          e[t] ||= this.buildMatcher(t);
      (this.middleware = this.routes = void 0),
  buildMatcher(e) {
    let t = [],
      s = e === d;
    return (
      [this.middleware, this.routes].forEach(r => {
        let n = r[e] ? Object.keys(r[e]).map(o => [o, r[e][o]]) : [];
        n.length !== 0
          ? ((s ||= !0), t.push(...n))
          : e !== d && t.push(...Object.keys(r[d]).map(o => [o, r[d][o]]));
      s ? De(t) : null
var Y = class {
  name = "SmartRouter";
  routers = [];
  routes = [];
  constructor(e) {
    Object.assign(this, e);
  add(e, t, s) {
    if (!this.routes) throw new Error(B);
    this.routes.push([e, t, s]);
  match(e, t) {
    if (!this.routes) throw new Error("Fatal error");
    let { routers: s, routes: r } = this,
      n = s.length,
      o = 0,
    for (; o < n; o++) {
      let a = s[o];
      try {
        r.forEach(i => {
          (c = a.match(e, t));
      } catch (i) {
        if (i instanceof I) continue;
        throw i;
      (this.match = a.match.bind(a)),
        (this.routers = [a]),
        (this.routes = void 0);
    if (o === n) throw new Error("Fatal error");
    return ( = `SmartRouter + ${}`), c;
  get activeRouter() {
    if (this.routes || this.routers.length !== 1)
      throw new Error("No active router has been determined yet.");
    return this.routers[0];
var Q = class {
  order = 0;
  params = Object.create(null);
  constructor(e, t, s) {
    if (
      ((this.children = s || Object.create(null)),
      (this.methods = []),
      ( = ""),
      e && t)
    ) {
      let r = Object.create(null);
      (r[e] = { handler: t, possibleKeys: [], score: 0, name: }),
        (this.methods = [r]);
    this.patterns = [];
  insert(e, t, s) {
    ( = `${e} ${t}`), (this.order = ++this.order);
    let r = this,
      n = re(t),
      o = [];
    for (let i = 0, l = n.length; i < l; i++) {
      let h = n[i];
      if (Object.keys(r.children).includes(h)) {
        r = r.children[h];
        let p = $(h);
        p && o.push(p[1]);
      r.children[h] = new Q();
      let u = $(h);
      u && (r.patterns.push(u), o.push(u[1])), (r = r.children[h]);
    r.methods.length || (r.methods = []);
    let c = Object.create(null),
      a = {
        handler: s,
        possibleKeys: o.filter((i, l, h) => h.indexOf(i) === l),
        score: this.order,
    return (c[e] = a), r.methods.push(c), r;
  gHSets(e, t, s, r) {
    let n = [];
    for (let o = 0, c = e.methods.length; o < c; o++) {
      let a = e.methods[o],
        i = a[t] || a[d],
        l = Object.create(null);
      i !== void 0 &&
        ((i.params = Object.create(null)),
        i.possibleKeys.forEach(h => {
          let u = l[];
          (i.params[h] = r[h] && !u ? r[h] : (s[h] ?? r[h])), (l[] = !0);
    return n;
  search(e, t) {
    let s = [];
    this.params = Object.create(null);
    let n = [this],
      o = D(t);
    for (let a = 0, i = o.length; a < i; a++) {
      let l = o[a],
        h = a === i - 1,
        u = [];
      for (let p = 0, R = n.length; p < R; p++) {
        let f = n[p],
          m = f.children[l];
        m &&
          ((m.params = f.params),
          h === !0
            ? (m.children["*"] &&
              s.push(...this.gHSets(m, e, f.params, Object.create(null))))
            : u.push(m));
        for (let y = 0, E = f.patterns.length; y < E; y++) {
          let P = f.patterns[y],
            x = { ...f.params };
          if (P === "*") {
            let N = f.children["*"];
            N &&
              (s.push(...this.gHSets(N, e, f.params, Object.create(null))),
          if (l === "") continue;
          let [j, Z, A] = P,
            w = f.children[j],
            ee = o.slice(a).join("/");
          if (A instanceof RegExp && A.test(ee)) {
            (x[Z] = ee), s.push(...this.gHSets(w, e, f.params, x));
          (A === !0 || (A instanceof RegExp && A.test(l))) &&
            typeof j == "string" &&
            ((x[Z] = l),
            h === !0
              ? (s.push(...this.gHSets(w, e, x, f.params)),
                w.children["*"] &&
                  s.push(...this.gHSets(w.children["*"], e, x, f.params)))
              : ((w.params = x), u.push(w)));
      n = u;
    return [
        .sort((a, i) => a.score - i.score)
        .map(({ handler: a, params: i }) => [a, i]),
var X = class {
  name = "TrieRouter";
  constructor() {
    this.node = new Q();
  add(e, t, s) {
    let r = k(t);
    if (r) {
      for (let n of r) this.node.insert(e, n, s);
    this.node.insert(e, t, s);
  match(e, t) {
    return, t);
var J = class extends G {
  constructor(e = {}) {
      (this.router = e.router ?? new Y({ routers: [new z(), new X()] }));
var me = e => {
  let s = {
        origin: "*",
        allowMethods: ["GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE", "PATCH"],
        allowHeaders: [],
        exposeHeaders: [],
    r = (n =>
      typeof n == "string"
        ? () => n
        : typeof n == "function"
          ? n
          : o => (n.includes(o) ? o : n[0]))(s.origin);
  return async function (o, c) {
    function a(l, h) {
      o.res.headers.set(l, h);
    let i = r(o.req.header("origin") || "", o);
    if ((i && a("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", i), s.origin !== "*")) {
      let l = o.req.header("Vary");
      l ? a("Vary", l) : a("Vary", "Origin");
    if (
      (s.credentials && a("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true"),
      s.exposeHeaders?.length &&
        a("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", s.exposeHeaders.join(",")),
      o.req.method === "OPTIONS")
    ) {
      s.maxAge != null && a("Access-Control-Max-Age", s.maxAge.toString()),
        s.allowMethods?.length &&
          a("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", s.allowMethods.join(","));
      let l = s.allowHeaders;
      if (!l?.length) {
        let h = o.req.header("Access-Control-Request-Headers");
        h && (l = h.split(/\s*,\s*/));
      return (
        l?.length &&
          (a("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", l.join(",")),
          o.res.headers.append("Vary", "Access-Control-Request-Headers")),
        new Response(null, {
          headers: o.res.headers,
          status: 204,
          statusText: o.res.statusText,
    await c();
async function ge(e) {
  let t = e.req.param("key"),
    s = await e.env.R2_BUCKET.get(t);
  if (s === null) return new Response("Object Not Found", { status: 404 });
  let r = new Headers();
  return (
    r.set("etag", s.httpEtag),
    r.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"),
    new Response(s.body, { headers: r })
async function ye(e) {
  let t = e.req.query("cursor"),
    s = await e.env.R2_BUCKET.list({ cursor: t || void 0 });
  return e.json(s);
async function Re(e) {
  let t = e.req.param("key"),
    s = await e.req.blob();
  return t
    ? (await e.env.R2_BUCKET.put(t, s), e.text("Done"))
    : e.text("file name is required", 400);
async function xe(e) {
  let t = e.req.param("key");
  return await e.env.R2_BUCKET.delete(t), new Response(null, { status: 204 });
async function Ee(e) {
  let t = e.req.param("key"),
    s = await e.env.R2_BUCKET.createMultipartUpload(t);
  return e.json({ key: s.key, uploadId: s.uploadId });
async function we(e) {
  let t = e.req.query("uploadId"),
    s = e.req.query("partNumber") || "",
    r = e.req.param("key");
  if (!t) return e.text("uploadId is required", 400);
  if (!s) return e.text("partNumber is required", 400);
  let n = Number(s);
  if (isNaN(n)) return e.text("partNumber must be a number", 400);
  let o = e.env.R2_BUCKET.resumeMultipartUpload(r, t);
  try {
    let c = await o.uploadPart(n, e.req.raw.body);
    return new Response(JSON.stringify(c));
  } catch (c) {
    return new Response(c.message, { status: 400 });
async function be(e) {
  let t = e.req.param("key"),
    s = e.req.query("uploadId");
  if (!s) return e.text("uploadId is required", 400);
  let r = e.env.R2_BUCKET.resumeMultipartUpload(t, s);
  try {
    await r.abort();
  } catch (n) {
    return new Response(n.message, { status: 400 });
  return new Response(null, { status: 204 });
async function ve(e) {
  let t = e.req.param("key"),
    s = e.req.query("uploadId");
  if (!s) return e.text("uploadId is required", 400);
  let r = e.env.R2_BUCKET.resumeMultipartUpload(t, s),
  try {
    n = await e.req.json();
  } catch (o) {
    return (
      console.log("parsing complete body failed"),
      e.text("invalid json", 400)
  try {
    let o = await r.complete(;
    return new Response(null, { headers: { etag: o.httpEtag } });
  } catch (o) {
    return new Response(o.message, { status: 400 });
function Ce(e) {
  return e.text("yes");
function $e(e) {
  if (!e.env.AUTH_KEY_SECRET) return e.text("AUTH_KEY_SECRET is not set", 403);
  let t = e.req.header("x-api-key") === e.env.AUTH_KEY_SECRET;
  return e.req.method === "GET"
    ? e.env.PRIVATE_BUCKET
      ? t
      : !0
    : ["POST", "PATCH", "PUT", "DELETE"].includes(e.req.method)
      ? t
      : e.req.method === "OPTIONS";
async function Oe(e, t) {
  return (
    $e(e) && (console.log("Header is valid"), await t()),
    e.json({ status: 401, message: "Unauthorized" })
var g = new J();
g.use("*", Oe);
g.get("/", e => e.text("Hello R2! v2024.07.12"));
g.get("/support_mpu", Ce);"/mpu/create/:key{.*}", Ee);
g.put("/mpu/:key{.*}", we);
g.delete("/mpu/:key{.*}", be);"/mpu/complete/:key{.*}", ve);
g.get("/:key{.*}", ge);
g.patch("/", ye);
g.put("/:key{.*}", Re);
g.delete("/:key{.*}", xe);
g.all("*", e => e.text("404 Not Found"));
var gr = g;
export { gr as default };
  1. 进入到「设置」页面,选择「变量」,然后点击「编辑变量」按钮,添加环境变量。首先设置第一个变量名为 AUTH_KEY_SECRET,变量值为随机字符,可以在此处生成一个。然后设置第二个变量名为 PRIVATE_BUCKET,变量值为 true。因为默认情况下,Worker 会允许所有 GET 请求通过,这意味着只要知道 Woker 的 URL,任何人都可以访问您的文件。所以添加这个环境变量,将使 Worker 检查每个请求的 x-api-key 标头,并只允许带有正确 API 密钥的请求通过。添加完成后,点击「部署」按钮。

  2. 下拉这个页面找到「R2 存储桶绑定」,点击「编辑变量」按钮,添加存储桶。在变量名称初填写 R2_BUCKET,然后选择您的存储桶,点击「部署」按钮。

  3. 在这个页面中选择「触发器」,点击「添加自定义域」按钮,为 Worker 添加一个域名。如果您身处中国大陆,建议添加,因为默认的 域名被 GFW 屏蔽了,不能正常工作。您也可以不添加自定义域名,那么就是使用红框中的路由地址。

  4. 大功告成,R2 Uploader 的 Worker 就配置好了。现在点击您在上一步中添加的自定义域名或者路由地址,就会在新页面中看到 {"status":401,"message":"Unauthorized"} 的字样,这是因为在第七步中我们添加了存储桶私有的环境变量。如果您在第七步中没有添加该变量,将会看到 Hello R2! 的字样。


理论上,当配置完 R2 Uploader 的 Worker 后,就可以使用了。例如,您可以直接使用该项目的开发者提供的前端界面。但我更建议自己部署一个前端界面。 R2 Uploader 的社区贡献者提供了使用 Docker 部署的方式。

以在 Zeabur 上部署为例,简单介绍。您可以选择在 VPS 上部署。

  1. 在 GitHub 上打开 R2 Uploader 的项目页面,将其 fork 到自己的仓库。

  2. 在 Zeabur 上新建项目,选择从 GitHub 仓库部署,选择刚 fork 的 R2 Uploader 项目。

  3. 点击「部署」按钮,等待部署完成。

  4. 在「网络」中生成一个域名或添加自定义域名。

  5. 大功告成,现在您就可以访问前端界面了。


  1. 展开「Endpoints」

  2. 在 Wokers Endpoint 中输入您在配置 R2 Uploader Worker 时,在「触发器」中自定义的域名或者 worker 的默认路由。

  3. 在 Workers Endpoint API Key 中输入您在配置 R2 Uploader Worker 时,在第七步中设置的环境变量 AUTH_KEY_SECRET 的值,是您生成的一段随机字符,可以在 Woker 的变量中查看。

  4. 点击 Save To LocalStorage。R2 Uploader 不会将您的 Endpoint 或 API Key 存储在云中,而是存储在浏览器的 LocalStorage 中,这意味着只有您才能访问。所有流量都会经过 Worker 和您的 R2 存储桶。

  5. (可选)您可以选择登陆 GitHub,保存您的 Endpoints 中的设置的数据。不过我并没有这样做,而是将这些数据保存在 Bitwarden 中。

现在您就可以在这个前端页面中看到您在 R2 中存储的文件了。

在 Upload Files 中可以选择上传单个文件或者文件夹。

File List 中会显示您的存储桶中有多少个文件,使用了多少空间。文件列表默认按照文件夹的形式进行展示,您可以点击文件名称在新页面打开文件,或者点击 “Delete” 按钮删除文件。如果您不像以文件夹的形式展示,取消 “Folder Structure” 的勾选即可。

如果您和我一样,按照 Pseudoyu 的教程为 R2 中保存的文件配置了 WebP Cloud,您会发现点击文件名无法打开图片。这是因为在配置 WebP Cloud 时,在 Cloudflare 的防火墙中设置了禁止请求文件源站。

不过不必担心,在 Endpoints 中点击 “edit” 按钮,在 Custom Domain 中输入 WebP Cloud 为您分配的域名(不需要有 “https://”),然后点击保存即可。

现在您在点击文件名,就可以直接通过 WebP Cloud 的代理打开图片了。

另外在提一点,WebP Cloud 刚刚上线了「自适应调整大小」的功能,在 Proxy 中打开 Adaptive Resizer 即可。WebP Cloud 将根据访问者的设备处理不同尺寸的图片渲染。

以上就是部署和配置 R2 Uploader 的全部步骤。




本文初稿在 Tana 上完成,这是一款通过将 AI 驱动的结构化数据库与流畅的大纲列表相结合的笔记软件,重新定义了现代知识管理,使用户能够无缝地组织相互关联的想法,同时保持自由形式思考的灵活性。

本文的头脑风暴在 Heptabase 上完成,这是一个以卡片、白板和标签为基础,专注于帮助使用者更好地学习、思考、研究和规划,并以中观视角对摄取的信息、知识建立深度理解的可视化知识管理工具。

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