All the articles I've posted.
The Importance of Note-Taking in the AI Era
Published: at 07:05In the age of artificial intelligence, taking notes remains important. While AI tools can lower the barrier to entry, they also raise the ceiling, so having domain expertise is crucial. Recording personal thoughts and ideas is something AI simply cannot do for us. Human intuition, creativity, and moral judgment remain irreplaceable. Striking a balance between AI efficiency and maintaining cognitive ability is vital. Taking notes promotes critical thinking and self-awareness, keeping our minds continually sharp.
The Power and Charn of information
Published: at 07:07This article mainly discusses the core position of information in the process of human society and civilization. Information is as indispensable as water, air and food. Humans are born with a desire for information, and the accumulation of information has helped to form a rich knowledge system. The evolution of society, culture and language cannot be separated from the drive of information, especially today when science and technology are constantly developing and the external environment is constantly changing. The article emphasizes that although language and culture will evolve with the development of society, the search and sharing of information is still the core of promoting human progress. In any case, information exchange and sharing have always been the key driving force for the advancement of human civilization.
Published: at 11:31本文介绍了一种从阅读中获取知识的最好方式,即将书中的重要段落拆解成更小的概念,并将这些概念之间的关联性画出来,最后将相似的概念群组起来。通过这个过程,建立知识架构,给每张卡片和 Section 下标题所投入的思考过程,才能真正理解和洞察知识。最后,建议采用间隔式复习法来留存这些知识,并强调工具选择的重要性。
【译制】Ness Labs 专访 Heptabase 联合创始人 Alan Chan
Published: at 04:57在本次采访中,Alan 谈到了智能产品设计的内在困境、如何创建一个共同进化系统来解决这一困境、知识生命周期的五个部分、如何用元应用程序解决不同用例之间的互操作性、如何支持个人和集体知识创造,等等。
Published: at 00:00这篇文章介绍了药山禅师、琅琊慧觉禅师和船子德诚禅师等人物,以及他们与明月、山水的关系。通过引用诗词和故事,表达了心静自然明的禅意。
Published: at 12:45平水韵七绝一首,怀念祖父去世两周年
Published: at 00:00本文介绍了两个思维模型:脱域-再嵌入和符号标志+专家系统。前者是成功商品和概念的共同特点,后者则是广告片和宣传片的要素。文章详细解释了这两个模型的应用和重要性。
Published: at 00:00一花开五叶,结果自然成。
Published: at 00:00记录是每天都在进行的,无时无刻不在进行。记录的好处很多,坏处没有多少。记录可以帮助我们深入观察自己和环境的关系,对生活有更深的理解,也是对生活的一种回应和尊重,更是对生活的热爱。记录还可以提高效率和生产力,帮助我们更好地组织自己的时间和精力,更有效地完成任务和实现目标。记录的方式是多种多样的,只要是可以将当下转化成可以相对长期保存的一种数据编码形式,爱用什么样的方式,就用什么样的方式。